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2630 Burlingame Avenue Southwest
Wyoming, MI, 49509
United States


Wyoming Moose Family Center is open to members and their guests.  This site is dedicated to the members of the Wyoming Moose and its activities.


Wyoming Moose Lodge #763

New Member Video link Click Here To Watch Youtube Video

Superbowl Sports Squares #53-000-821 Sheets

License Plate Collection, PDF of the plates that the lodge has as of Nov 14th, 2023 License Plates

WINTER HOURS Start after Memorial Day
Monday thru Thur 11-11pm Friday 11am-1am Saturday 10am until 1am. Sunday Noon until 8pm!

Kitchen Hours Mon-Fri* 4-9pm
Menu Download
*1st & 3rd Fridays Fish Dinner 5:30-7:30pm

Help our Children at Mooseheart and Senior members at Moosehaven with a donation to the Endowment Fund.  $1 per member, or more if you are so generous helps to take care of these under our care!

Help our Children at Mooseheart and Senior members at Moosehaven with a donation to the Endowment Fund. $1 per member, or more if you are so generous helps to take care of these under our care!

Order your dinner now and select when you want to pick it up. Pay with credit card and have no touch service.

Order your dinner now and select when you want to pick it up. Pay with credit card and have no touch service.

Newsletters are available on the newsletter page!  Click Here

For online membership application, please visit here.

To sign up a new member online visit


We were founded in 1975, we have gone through some rough times, and we have gone through some great times. During all those times, we have been a family of members that knows our greatest responsibilities are our community, the children at Mooseheart, and our senior members at Moosehaven.


Some of the amenities that we have at the lodge...

  • Club Keno

  • ATM

  • Shuffleboard

  • Pool

  • Charity Pull Tab Games

  • Covered & Open Patio

  • Darts

  • Kitchen in evenings

  • Kids Play Area

Newsletter are available on the newsletter page!  Click Here